It's that magical time of the year where everything slows down and you have time to concentrate on what's important.....socks! We love running the Sock Club and we wanted to thank all our members for making this sock adventure possible. As a gesture of our gratitude, we've made sure this end of the year sock was super special. We believe these Dapper Classic socks will be perfect for all your Holiday festivities.
Dapper Classics are made in a third generation textile mill in North Carolina. This family started southern sock company channels their love of colorful socks into a very wearable, sublime collection -- styles from casual to full on you mean business
attire. They bring a unique twist to the over the calf sock style. The socks are made from mercerized cotton and designed to have an ultra-smooth feel. The fit and feel of our socks will delight your feet, and the wide range of colors will capture your imagination
- Dapper Classics describing their socks.
As always, we would love to see your photos and comments about the socks! Please visit our Facebook page and share it with all your friends and family (many of whom made this delivery possible for you).
If you have any questions email us at
Dane Noah and Layla
The Sock Club Team
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